Thursday, November 27, 2008

Crazy Mumbai

A good friend of mine is in Mumbai. As expected he was (still is) bloody worried about the situation. Lucky for him he is in a hotel quite a bit off from the madness, but not so lucky cause he is in Mumbai. As we're chatting he was informed that there will some escorts to get them out. So all the stupid jokes about social escorts, we-might-die-tomorrow-shag, what fucks not came out lah. Then this :


shit they've just contacted me to ask me to decide

3:10pm Shook

decide what?

3:10pm Hamsta

now or a few more days

now or a few more days



3:10pm Hamsta

i'm going to attempt to do the evac now bro

wish me luck


fucked! darn tensed!

I'm praying to God for my friend's safe return home.


I know I made stupid jokes about your situation but seriously, it was all for fun and to make u calm and relaxed. Serious!

No more stupid jokes about stray bullet after this ok?

Safe journey bro.


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